A template for the Service object.
_ = require 'underscore'
_.str = require 'underscore.string'
pidStatsProto = require './pid_stat_proto'
procStatsProto = require './proc_stat_proto'
{exec} = require 'child_process'
q = require 'q'
glob = require 'glob'
fs = require 'q-io/fs'
class Service
constructor: (config) ->
} = config
getPids: ->
deferred = q.defer()
pid = @pidConfig
pidFiles = []
proc = @procConfig
reader = ->
promises = _.map pidFiles, (file) -> fs.read file
failureCallback = (error) ->
deferred.reject error
successCallback = ->
contents = _.map promises, (promise) ->
parseInt promise.valueOf().toString().trim()
deferred.resolve contents
q.all(promises).then successCallback, failureCallback
globCallback = (error, files) ->
if error
deferred.reject error
else if _.isEmpty files
deferred.reject new Error "No files matched '#{pid}'"
pidFiles = pidFiles.concat files
if _.isEmpty proc
if _.isString(pid) and pid.match(/\*+/)
glob pid, globCallback
if _.isString pid
pidFiles.push pid
else if _.isArray pid
pidFiles = pidFiles.concat pid
return deferred.promise
getPidStats: (pids) ->
deferred = q.defer()
stats = []
files = _.map pids, (pid) -> "/proc/#{pid}/stat"
exists_promises = _.map files, (file) -> fs.exists file
q.all(exists_promises).then ->
exists_array = _.map exists_promises, (promise) ->
getProcStats: ->
module.exports = Service